Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Fashion Nation coverage...

Hey FN2K6,

As you can see there has been alot of press from the Fashion Nation event at the Liberty Grand. Our publicist, Kim, has found more coverage ...video coverage that aired on Global Television nationwide.

To get there you have to go to the
video.canada.com website.
Then search for "Fashion"

You should find the videos still on the web.

Monique Campbell Web-Ready Photos

Cheryl-Lynn Osawamick Web-Ready Photos

Chantel McGregor Web-Ready Photos

Shar-Dey Phipps-Walker Photos Web-Ready

Friday, March 31, 2006

Jessica Syrette Photos Web-Ready

This is only the start Jessica and Crew...I have more coming and will post them here...there's about 20 per student and they're all 300 dpi...too big for the web...we'll have CD-R's for you soon. These pics are just web-ready.


Hey FN2K6 Team!

Hi everyone,

Chris here...I'm sorry for the delay...but the Photos that Bernard Laroux took of you all are on the way as well as your portfolios from Northern Styles. I've been so swamped lately...I hope to them in the next few days.

On a side note:

The video and photos of the L'Oreal Fashion Week footage is at the Northern Styles myspace address for now please go and check them out: http://myspace.com/northern_styles

I miss you all and hope to hear from you soon.

What an awesome time huh?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

10 days and counting

Berine Leroux, Amanda Chaboyer & P.J. Sandy
Fashion Nation is on March 14th, 2006 at 5 PM. All set models? There was over 500 photos taken.

()___)________)))~~~(i shall vogue now...)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Impact Sneek Peek

Here we are with one half of the impact cards that will be going out early this weekend. Feedback?


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Schedule Change

Hey people tomorrow we have a major schedule change. We are meeting tomorrow Wednesday at 6PM at the Brow House. Call Chris for more info.